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Informations of HTM electric motors, one for 120°C and the other to support temperatures up to 180°C, with B3 B5 B14 design.


You have a very special application for 400 °C, we can produced a electric HTM motor for you.



Br KH Gendner
AQ Pluss Motoren

High Temperature Electric Motors HTM 120 HTM 180 - 400

Electric motors, transmission and service 
Welcome to the AQ Pluss Motors webpage

The web where is possible to find special solutions and electric motors which work on a high temperature ambient.

High Temperature Electric Motors HTM 120 HTM 180 - 400 example on the first page
High Temperature Electric Motors HTM 120 HTM 180 - 400 example on the first page
You started a new project, you need a high temperature electric motors HTM 120 HTM 180 or a HTM 400
You started a new project, you need a high temperature electric motors HTM 120 HTM 180 or a HTM 400

 Electric motors which work on a high temperature ambient.


There is always an appropriate electric motor to work on a hight temperature ambient.


In the pictures below is it possible to compare the different electric motors, including triphasic motors, single phase motors, with helical gear or straight gear transmission.


For any more questions or information about high temperature motors don’t hesitate to contact us, we will do our best to help you. 



HTM english languageHTM english language



Here you will find the right HTM electric motor for your new projects.






Here we are going to analyse the 7 different models
of electric motors.
The B3 model with fixation foots,
the B5 Model with holed flange and
the B14 model with screwed holes flange.

Also, we will see 3 different models produced by mixing these previous models.



We start analysing the B3 motor model with foot fixations of the STD IEC serial.

Through its mechanical explanations we are going to see its different specifications




B3 motor with foot fixations (Foot mounted).


This motor has 2 foot fixations. It’s possible also to find it with 4 foots. It has at least 4 anchorage points, sometimes it could have 6, but this is not normal.

It is screwed with 4 screws or bolts and fixed nuts.


It’s possible to screw them directly on the surface or on rails. This rails have special bolts to its fixation.



The foot mounted B3
The foot mounted B3

Data sheet


IEC 56 B3 mounted foot motor


IEC 56 B3 motor with foot fixations (Foot mounted)
Example, IEC 56 B3 motor with foot fixations (Foot mounted)


The Energy,

your Power to 50 Hz
2 poles about 2800 rpm
4 poles about 1400 rpm


The Energy,

your Power to 60 Hz
2 poles about 3360 rpm
4 poles about 1680 rpm


Icon, IEC 56 B3 motor with foot fixations (Foot mounted)
You go to the B3 Foot mounted Motors, the HTM 120 - 180 Motors.


You looking for, you find it





IEC Position





Front Foots

Lateral Foots



Exterior Flange

Circular Flange

Flange Centre Edge

Holes in the Flange


Shaft / Axle height

Dimensions Shaft


Special Features


Alternative Name


 Power 2 poles

Power 4 poles





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HTM Three Phase Electric Motor

B3 Motor with Foot Fixation


56, IEC 56

STD IEC Motors

smallest Electric Motor

V5 and V6

RAL 9006 (dark black)



90 mm between axle holes

71 mm between axle holes








56 mm

9 mm d x 20 mm long


The mostly Design of Electric motors

Industrial Electric Motors


0,09 KW about. 2800 rpm

0,06 KW about 1400 rpm


Two Phases the E Motor is running, that the motor to dies


For more information click here




IEC 56 B3 motor with foot fixations, as example of the smallest standard motor.


This motor IEC 56, the smallest one standardized, would be able to power a little electric railway.

However, an electric tension of 400 V is not appropriate for them.

The assembly of this electric motors needs a smooth surface or straight fixed rails.

If this surface is not well levelled is possible that the foots break.


Is possible to break the foot fixations while the screws are tightened, that should be done carefully or the damaged foot should be replace.



For special questions about your motors, don’t hesitate to ask us.


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Holed flange B5 design (Flange mounted the Flange with the big ring)


Here we are going to describe the model with holed flange B5 of the IEC motor serial.


Through its mechanical explanation we are going to see its different options.



The flange mounted, the flange with the big ring
The flange mounted, the flange with the big ring

Data sheet


EC 56 B5 holed flange motor

Example, IEC 56 Flange B5 design, flange mounted
Example, IEC 56 Flange B5 design, flange mounted


The Energy,

your Power to 50 Hz
2 poles about 2800 rpm
4 poles about 1400 rpm


The Energy,

your Power to 60 Hz
2 poles about 3360 rpm
4 poles about 1680 rpm


Icon, the flange mounted electric HTM
You go to the B5 Flange mounted Motors, the HTM 120 - 180 Motors.


You looking for, you find it





IEC Position





Front Foots

Lateral Foots



Exterior Flange

Circular Flange

Flange Centre Edge

Holes in the Flange


Shaft / Axle height

Dimensions Shaft


Special Features

Alternative Name


Power 2 poles

Power 4 poles





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HTM Three Phase Electric Motor

B5 Motor with Flange Fixation


56, IEC 56

STD IEC Motors

smallest Electric Motor

V1 and V3

RAL 9006 (dark black)







120 mm

100 mm

80 mm

7 mm


56 mm

9 mm d x 20 mm long


Flange with a big ring

Industrial electric motor


0,09 KW about 280 rpm

0,06 KW about 1400 rpm


Two Phases the E Motor is running, that the motor to dies


For more information click here




IEC 56 motor with holed flange B5, as example of the smallest normalized motor.


This motor IEC 56 is the smaller normalized motor, useful for little applications. Not always is it needed a high performance of the motor.

It works with 400/230 V tension. (single-phase, lighting current).

The assembly of this motor needs a smooth surface. Is it possible to close the flange through a surface seal. The axle has an STD seal, watch out if it should be oil-hermetic. Is it needed indicate which kind of seal is used when you look for a replacement motor.


The B5 flanged can be change with the B14 flange, the difference between both is that the B14 flange is less stiff.



 For More information click the Button please.

For special questions about your motors, don’t hesitate to ask us.





Big flange B14b Motor design (Flange mounted B14big)


Here we are going to describe the big flange B14 motor of the IEC motor serial.


Through its mechanical explanation, we are going to see its different options.



B14 (big, electric motor with Flange Fixation
B14 (big, electric motor with Flange Fixation

Data sheet


EC 56 B14big  flange motor

 IEC 56 B14b (Big flange). B14b Motor design, Flange mounted
Example, IEC 56 B14b (Big flange). B14b Motor design, Flange mounted


The Energy,

your Power to 50 Hz
2 poles about 2800 rpm
4 poles about 1400 rpm


The Energy,

your Power to 60 Hz
2 poles about 3360 rpm
4 poles about 1680 rpm


Icon,  IEC 56 B14b (Big flange). B14b Motor design, Flange mounted
You go to the B14b Flange mounted Motors, the HTM 120 - 180 Motors.


You looking for, you find it





IEC Position





Front Foots

Lateral Foots



Exterior Flange

Circular Flange

Flange Centre Edge

Holes in the Flange


Shaft / Axle height

Dimensions Shaft


Special Features



Alternative Name


Power 2 poles

Power 4 poles





More Information


HTM Three Phase Electric Motor

B14 (big, electric motor with Flange Fixation


56, IEC 56

STD IEC Motors

smallest Electric Motor

V18 big and V19 big

RAL 9006 (dark black) 







105 mm

85 mm

70 mm

M 6 blind hole thread (metric)


56 mm

9 mm d x 20 mm long


Flange with a small ring and thread hole


Industrial electric motor


0,09 KW about 2800 rpm

0,06 KW about 1400 rpm


Two Phases the E Motor is running, that the motor to dies


For more information click here




IEC 56 B14 groß der Flanschmotor als Beispiel der kleinste Normmotor



This IEC motor is the smaller normalized motor, small enough to fit inside the terminal box of other bigger.

It works with 400/230 V tension. (single-phase)

The assembly of this motor needs a smooth surface. The flange should be close by a surface seal.

The axle has a seal, be sure that the seal is full hermetic, in general there is just one IP 55 Axle seal.


The flange can be easily change with the B5 flange, the difference is that B14 flange has screwed holes.




 For More information click the Button please.

For special questions about your motors, don’t hesitate to ask us.



Small flange B14 Motor design (Flange mounted)


Here we are going to describe the small flange B14 motor of the IEC motor serial.

Through its mechanical explanation, we are going to see its different options.


Small flange B14 Motor design (Flange mounted)
Small flange B14 Motor design (Flange mounted)


Data sheet


EC 56 B14small flange motor

Example, Small flange B14s Motor design, flange mounted


The Energy,

your Power to 50 Hz
2 poles about 2800 rpm
4 poles about 1400 rpm


The Energy,

your Power to 60 Hz
2 poles about 3360 rpm
4 poles about 1680 rpm


Icon, Small flange B14s Motor design, flange mounted face mounteg
You go to the B14s Flange mounted Motors, the HTM 120 - 180 Motors.

You looking for, you find it





IEC Position





Front Foots

Lateral Foots



Exterior Flange

Circular Flange

Flange Centre Edge

Holes in the Flange


Shaft / Axle height

Dimensions Shaft


Special Features



Alternative Name


Power 2 poles

Power 4 poles






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HTM Three Phase Electric Motor B14 small flange


56, IEC 56

STD IEC Motors

smallest Electric Motor

V18s and V19s


RAL 9006 (dark black)






120 mm

100 mm

80 mm

7 mm


56 mm

9 mm d x 20 mm long


Flange without Ring (Face mounted)


Industrial electric motor


0,09 KW about 2800 rpm

0,06 KW about 1400 rpm


Two Phases the E Motor is running, that the motor to dies



For more information click here






IEC 56 Motor with little flange B14, as example of the smaller normalized motor.


This IEC motor is the smaller normalized motor, small enough to fit inside the terminal box of other biggers. 

It works with 400/230 V tension. (single-phase)

The assembly of this motor needs a smooth surface. The flange should be close by a surface seal

The axle has a seal, be sure that the seal is full hermetic, in general there is just one IP 55 Axle seal.

The flang is not easy to change with the B5 model. the difference is that B14 flange has screwed holes 





 For More information click the Button please.

For special questions about your motors, don’t hesitate to ask us.




B35 Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B5 the Flange mounted, Foot - Flange Motor design

the first step foot mounted
the first step foot mounted

Data sheet

EC 56 B35 food mounted/holed flange

IEC 56 B3 foot mounted


Flange - the second step flange mounted
the second step flange mounted



EC 56 B5 holed flange motor


B35 Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B5 the Flange mounted, Foot - Flange Motor design
Example, B35 Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B5 the Flange mounted, Foot - Flange Motor design


The Energy,

your Power to 50 Hz
2 poles about 2800 rpm
4 poles about 1400 rpm


The Energy,

your Power to 60 Hz
2 poles about 3360 rpm
4 poles about 1680 rpm


Icon, B35 Foot - Flange mounted Motors, the HTM 120 - 180 Motors.
You go to the B35 Foot - Flange mounted Motors, the HTM 120 - 180 Motors.


You looking for, you find it







IEC Position





Front Foots

Lateral Foots



Exterior Flange

Circular Flange

Flange Centre Edge

Holes in the Flange


Shaft / Axle height

Dimensions Shaft


Special Features

 Alternative Name


Power 2 poles

Power 4 poles





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HTM Three Phase Electric Motor

B35 Motor with Foot and Flange Fixation


56, IEC 56

STD IEC Motors

smallest Electric Motor

V15 and V16

RAL 9006 (dark black)



90 mm between axle holes

71 mm between axle holes



120 mm

100 mm

80 mm

7 mm


56 mm

9 mm d x 20 mm long


Foot and Flange with a big ring

Industrial electric motor


0,09 KW about 2800 rpm

0,06 KW about 1400 rpm


Two Phases the E Motor is running, that the motor to dies


For more information click here


B34b Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B14b the Flange mounted, Foot - Flange (B14 big) Motor design

B3 - the first work foot fixed
B3 - the first work foot fixed

Data sheet

EC 56 B34 food mounted/holed flange



IEC 56 B3 foot mounted


B34b - the second work flange fixed
B34b - the second work flange fixed



EC 56 B14 big flange


B34b Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B14b the Flange mounted, Foot - Flange (B14 big) Motor design
Example, B34b Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B14b the Flange mounted, Foot - Flange (B14 big) Motor design


The Energy,

your Power to 50 Hz
2 poles about 2800 rpm
4 poles about 1400 rpm


The Energy,

your Power to 60 Hz
2 poles about 3360 rpm
4 poles about 1680 rpm


Icon, B34b Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B14b the Flange mounted, Foot - Flange (B14 big) Motor design
You go to the B34b Foot - Flange mounted Motors, the HTM 120 - 180 Motors.


You looking for, you find it







IEC Position





Front Foots

Lateral Foots



Exterior Flange

Circular Flange

Flange Centre Edge

Holes in the Flange


Shaft / Axle height

Dimensions Shaft


Special Features


 Alternative Name


 Power 2 poles

Power 4 poles





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HTM Three Phase Electric Motor

B34b (big), electric motor with Feet and Flange Fixation



56, IEC 56

STD IEC Motors

 smallest Electric Motor

 V18b and V19b

 RAL 9006 (dark black)



90 mm between axle holes

71 mm between axle holes



105 mm

85 mm

70 mm

M 6 blind hole thread (metric)


56 mm

9 mm d x 20 mm long


Flange with small Ring


Industrial electric motor


0,09 KW about 2800 rpm

0,06 KW about 1400 rpm


Two Phases the E Motor is running, that the motor to dies


For more information click here

B34s Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B14s the Flange mounted, Foot - Flange (B14 small) Motor design

EC 56 B34 foot mounted next small flange motor
Your first work, foot fixitation

Data sheet

EC 56 B34 foot mounted/small flange motor


IEC 56 B3 foot mounted


B34s Foot/flange electric Motor Your first work, foot fixitation, second work flange fixitation
Your second work, flange fixitation



EC 56 B34 mall flange


B34s, Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B14s the Flange (face) mounted, Foot - Flange (B14 small) Motor design
Example, B34s, Foot mounted and Flange mounted too, B3 the Foot mounted and B14s the Flange mounted, Foot - Flange (B14 small) Motor design


The Energy,

your Power to 50 Hz
2 poles about 2800 rpm
4 poles about 1400 rpm


The Energy,

your Power to 60 Hz
2 poles about 3360 rpm
4 poles about 1680 rpm


Icon, You go to the B34s Foot - Flange mounted Motors, the HTM 120 - 180 Motors.
You go to the B34s Foot - Flange mounted Motors, the HTM 120 - 180 Motors.


You looking for, you find it








IEC Position







Front Foots

Lateral Foots



Exterior Flange

Circular Flange

Flange Centre Edge

Holes in the Flange


Shaft / Axle height

Dimensions Shaft


Special Features



Alternative Name


Power 2 poles

Power 4 poles





More Information


HTM Three Phase Electric Motor

B34s (small), electric motor with Feet and Flange (face mounted) Fixitation

 CAM 56A

56, IEC 56

STD IEC Motors


smallest Electric Motor


V38s and V39s


RAL 9006 (dark black)



90 mm between axle holes

71 mm between axle holes



80 mm

65 mm

50 mm

M5 blind hole thread (metric)


56 mm

9 mm d x 20 mm long


Flange without Ring - face mounted and feet mounted


 Industrial electric motor


0,09 KW about 2800 rpm

0,06 KW about 1400 rpm


Two Phases the E Motor is running, that the motor to dies


For more Information click here


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Electric Motors for extreme hot Ambiente 0